Our Mission

A transparent marriage is a devotional ministry that was birthed out of gratitude to our Lord and Savior. By His grace we are saved and if you invite Him into your life He will do the same for you.


A quarantined proof marriage

In just two months in 2020 we were a nation of fans, churchgoers and travelers. Now we are a nation at home. A nation of zoom meetings not only for us but for our children. In all this turmoil I remember reading that spousal abuse is on the rise. It made me think what could be the cause of this. Is it that we live our lives so fast that we are accustomed to not spending time hearing our spouses? Is it that our job has been our priority instead of our marriages? And now that we are in quarantine having to share every moment of our day with our significant other that you have taken for granted.

Why do you reflect on the first time you met your spouse. Was it a funny encounter? What was your first thought? Was it love at first sight, or did you grow to love them as you got to know them? During this time that everything is on hold we should be listening, listening and listening some more to what they are saying and understand our spouses feelings. Do you have an issue that needs to be resolved? Has your marriage been struggling but you keep putting off the important things for another day? Now is the time to look at this quarantine aka reset as an opportunity to invest in your marriage.

Be encourage you to try some of these ideas:
Order food that you had on your first date.
Try to find the first movie you saw together.
Make vision boards, one for the places you have been to in the past and the second one of where you want to go, put on it your hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future of the marriage.
Find value in the time together by creating new memories. You can do this by cooking, listening to music and dancing together.

Love in a marriage is like a plant. You have to water it and give it light so it will grow. If this crisis is the new normal then don’t let your past normal dictate the future of your marriage. Go back to the beginning and remember what made you want to marry them I the first place.

A Transparent Marriage