
Don't let isolation be your default

According to Webster the definition of default is a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative, another definition is in the absence of. 

The Bible teaches us that Jesus often withdrew from people and the demands of his ministry to pray and be with the Father.  It was during those isolating moments that Jesus heard from the Father and prepared for the demands before him. When storms of life sway us left and right in our marriage,  it is easy to default to isolation and hide our pain and suffering from the world leading to feeling depressed and defeated. What if  instead we used those challenging times to isolate welcoming in his presence versus isolating automatically to focus on all the bad things that are happening in our life? 

We learn in Ephesians 4:11-13 that "with God beside us and His Spirit to guide us we can navigate the waters of loneliness and come into the rest and peace that comes from giving up all efforts to satisfy my human desires giving myself entirely over to God" Be encouraged that in moments when life gets rough you have another option to select, you can choose to invite Jesus into your life and let the Father comfort, guide you and give you the wisdom to deal with the situation at hand. 

Allow Jesus to be the alternative default in the presence of conflict and just like Jesus you will hear from the Father.  Remember in Luke 11:17 we read that 'Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them:  "Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fail"  Don't give the enemy a free pass to defeat you, you don't get to confront him alone.

A Transparent Marriage