Our Mission

A transparent marriage is a devotional ministry that was birthed out of gratitude to our Lord and Savior. By His grace we are saved and if you invite Him into your life He will do the same for you.


God speaks!

I woke up one day, and as I as laying there I started to see visions of things. The first was an arm, so I said "I know I just had a shoulder operation". "God why am I seeing this"? Then I saw two arms picking something up again I asked God "why am i seeing this"? Then I saw two legs running. Then a set of eyes and ears. Then a mouth and at the end a heart.

I asked God "what do all these body parts mean"?  My heart moved as He whispered to my soul, "The first arm was you trying alone to pick something up. The next was two arms that were working together picking something up and that represents the helper I have sent you, your wife. The set of eyes and ears represents both, you and your wife hearing and seeing the word together. The mouth represents the word that both of you are spreading. The fruit of the mouth, speaking in unison. 
The heart is where your souls are, coming together as one united in seeking God".

All these parts of the body were created for working together for one purpose, to further His Kingdom through the unity of Marriage.

A Transparent Marriage