Love, Live, Laugh!
John F. Kennedy said "Do not ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country", Lets change that up and put that in a kingdom perspective. Do not ask what God can do for you, but what you can do for God.
The heart of a servant is what He needs, to hear your inner Spirit step out in faith and be the angel on this earth. The Gospel is the good news where God gave His son so that we may be cleansed by His bold sacrifice.
Have you ever been in a situation that your heart was tugging to do something but turned away? Don't miss your opportunity to be Gods helper. A lot of people say that God never speaks to them but I believe He does. When you hear a word that touches you or a song, take a moment to ask God your father, what do you want from me and how do I serve you?
Be purposeful in doing and do not be afraid for He calls you to be His messenger not only by what you say but by being a living example of His word. Mercy, grace and forgiveness are difficult for anyone. We are measured by the measurements we measure others with. In other words, forgive and we will be forgiven. Luke 6:37
Live, love, and laugh! Take a moment every day and find inspiration in one thing each day. If you change your view, you change your heart and in turn changes your environment.
Live, love, laugh.
Live to love, love to laugh.
A Transparent Marriage