Wow, wow, wow! Relationship Goals by Michael Todd, this book embodies everything a transparent marriage is. The book went on sale April 28, 2020 and immediately an instant Best seller reaching millions around the world.
For those that have no idea who Michael Todd is you are just missing out. Pastor Todd of Transformation Church in Oklahoma is by far one of the realest of our time. His ministry continues to reach millions around the world every Sunday with his message to represent God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ. In 2019 his relationship goals message went viral on YouTube and God continues to speak through him and his wife with this new book which is just the beginning. If you do nothing else this year for spiritual growth and personal growth at least be encouraged to follow pastor Todd and Transformation Church as God is using them to bless millions.
So Relationship Goals, what does that mean? It sure means more than the cute selfies and posts we see across social media going viral and single ladies using the hashtag #relationshipgoals which by the way, at the time of this article has over fifteen million searches on google. That is actually 15 million people seeking something for their relationship and rest assure is more than a cute picture to post.
Our friend Webster defines relationships as a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings, and defines goal as the end toward which effort is directed. So simply put its safe to say a relationship goal for a couple is being with someone and together work towards a set of goals. Those goals to name a few can be working towards marriage, family and wealth. The problem is that in order to win in these areas it requires work, it requires being in one accord and most of all a lot of God along the way.
When it comes to marriage a book like relationship goals is perfect because it goes into a raw look of how to win in dating, marriage and sex. You can read thousand of books on the subject but it won't mean a thing to you because in order for us to be encouraged on a personal level we need to hear from those that have walked through the valley and come out victorious and it is only by sharing their struggle and vulnerable transparency that we can learn from their mistakes and learn how Gods grace is sufficient for all of us to survive the storms of marriage.
Remember free people free people, when you share your struggles giving God the glory He continues to give you the wisdom to win in relationship and that is the ultimate goal.
A Transparent Marriage