
The Marriage Creed

This is my wife.  There are many like her, but this one is mine. She is my life.  I must respect her as I must respect my life. Without me my wife is breathless, without my wife I am breathless.  I must trust my wife is true.  I must speak straighter than the enemy who is trying to fool me.  I must stop it before it tempts me.  I will. 

My wife and I know that what counts in war is not the arguments we have, the noise of our outbursts, or the excuses we make.  We know that it is the solutions that count.  We will resolve. 

My wife is human, even as I am human.  Because she is my life, thus, I will learn to hear her.  I will learn her weaknesses, her strengths, her past,  and keep her sights on our common goals.  I will keep my wife clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready.  We have become part of each other.

Before God I swear this creed.  My wife and I are the defenders of our home.  We are the masters of our home.  We are the saviors of our family.  So be it, until victory is ours and there is no enemy that can stand against us.  As we fight for our marriage as one! 

By William Ocasio
Copyright 2013